CPD training

Professional Development (CPD) – Solicitor’s Professional Development working towards the SRA’s Competency Statement.

SRA Competency – All of our courses advertised below will satisfy Part B (Legal Technical Practice) of the SRA Competency Statement.

So why choose Sills & Betteridge LLP for your Professional Development?

  1. We employ a range of quality speakers who specialise in different areas of law to deliver high quality training to our delegates;
  2. We offer quality training in the Lincolnshire area which saves local solicitors’ firms money on travel expenses;
  3. We offer training at a reduced cost and offer discounts for group bookings;
  4. Our course materials are written by our speakers, are tailored to each individual course, and are updated before the course to ensure that the delegates are receiving the most up to date information; and
  5. Interaction between delegates and speakers is encouraged to help understanding.

How will you record your continuing competence?

You will be provided with a certificate at the end of each course. On the reverse of the certificate you will be able to reflect on your learning activity and record your tangible outcomes which can be retained and produced at a later stage as evidence of your continuing competence.

How do I book?

Please visit the event page that you would like to attend and complete the online booking form on that page.

Upcoming CPD training

 0800 542 4245